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Importance of the Pakistan Resolution (1940) in the struggle for Pakistan

2 min read

Pakistan Resolution is also called Lahore Resolution 1940:

All India Muslims League presented a resolution for the demand of a separate state for the Muslims of the sub-continent on the basis of the Two Nation Theory in its 27th annual meeting on 23 March 1940 at Minto Park Lahore which is known as Lahore Resolution or Pakistan Resolution. This resolution was presented by the chief minister of Bengal Maulvi A.K. Fazal-ul-Haq. Chaudry Khaliq-uz-Zaman first agreed to this proposal then the other prominent leaders also agreed to it who belonged to different provinces. Pakistan resolution was passed in the year 1940 and this resolution was accepted on 24th March 1940.

Brief Summary:

Muslim League gave its demands in the final form in this annual meeting and arranged a program for the reaction against the improvement made by the British in India. Pakistan resolution 1940 main points can be explained as follows:

  • Geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be constituted, with such territorial adjustment as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in majority in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India.

  • The constitution should include adequate, effective, and mandatory safeguards to protect minorities' religious, cultural, economic, political, administrative, and other rights.

  • The Federal scheme which has been mentioned in the Government of India act 1935 is nearly unsuitable and inapplicable due to the particular conditions of the country and it can not be accepted for Muslims in India in any case.

  • Power is given to the working committee of the Muslim League to arrange a constitutional scheme by which the Muslim state becomes able to control the Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communication, customs, and other matters in their regions.

The Importance of Pakistan Resolution:

Pakistan's resolution was the beginning of the struggle for independence because; the Muslims were proved to be a nation with great ideals. In this resolution, it was also proposed to implement some constitutional improvement in the majority-holding regions of the Muslims. After this, a way was completely developed for the establishment of Pakistan because the social principles of the Muslims and their point of view in Indian politics became clear, due to this, the Muslim league converted into a very active political party of the Muslims and its started struggle to achieve a common cause. In Pakistan Resolution, it was decided collectively that the Muslims would not accept any plan which did not give them independence in those parts of India where they were in majority over the Hindus such as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India.

Quaid-e-Azam said in his speech on the occasion of the Pakistan Resolution that Muslims should think hundred times before making a decision but when a decision is made then all should become united on it. Thus the Muslims became united according to the statement of Quaid-e-Azam which gave them progress in their struggle, hence they were able to get Pakistan.

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