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Environmental Pollution, Types, Awareness, Control Pollution

Environmental Pollution, Awareness, Types of Environmental Pollution, steps to control pollution, main causes of air, water and land pollution
2 min read

Environmental Pollution

An undesirable change in the characteristics of air, water, or land that can adversely affect health is called pollution. Environmental pollution means destabilizing the balance of the atmospheric composition.

Environmental pollution has emerged as a big problem throughout the world. Environmental pollution is due to unhealthy changes in our environment.

Types of Environmental Pollution

Air Pollution:

Air pollution turns clear and odorless air into a poisonous gas that harms our health, kills plants, and damages property. People pour hundreds of, millions of, tons of gases and particles into the atmosphere every year. Carbon dioxide and carbon mono - oxide is making the air polluted.

Main Causes of Air Pollution

  • Its main cause is the burning process of gasoline to power motor vehicles.
  • Factories and furnaces may add to air pollution.
  • Different nuclear tests create radiation.
  • Thermal power plants also pollute the air.
  • Pesticides also increase pollution.

Water Pollution:

Water pollution reduces the amount of pure freshwater that is available for drinking and cleaning. It is also important for swimming and fishing. Water maintains 70% of the human body weight. The total area of the earth is 71% water and 29% land. 97% of the water on earth is salty and not suitable for drinking.

Main Causes of Water Pollution

  • Dumping of wastes of factories and homes into rivers etc.
  • Contamination of water pipes.
  • Oil poured into the sea.
  • If the sewerage system opens in a lake or river, water is polluted.
  • Nuclear dump into seawater.

Land Pollution:

Land pollution damages the thin layer of fertile soil that covers much of the earth. When a number of harmful things are inducted into the earth, such type of pollution is created.

Main Causes of Land Pollution

  • Nuclear tests and explosions.
  • Plastic bags burned with garbage create pollution.
  • Chemical products can cause poisoning especially when factories put chemicals outside as waste.

Steps to control Pollution

  • Environmental Awareness: T.V, newspapers, and conferences should help in developing awareness among people.
  • Less use Fue - Emitting Gas: CNG system should be adopted and less use of fuel emitting gas should be done.
  • Separation of poisonous Chemicals: Poisonous chemicals should be separated and cleaned before it is drained into rivers and lakes.
  • Cleaning of dirty Water: Dirty water (sewerage) should be cleaned through machines.
  • An appropriate way of Burning Garbage: Garbage must be burnt properly.
  • Proper use of Human and Animal Waste: The wastes of humans and animals should be used properly in fertilizers.
  • Polythene Bags: The use of polythene bags should be stopped.
  • Tree Plantation: More and more trees should be planted as they help to reduce pollution.
  • General Cleanliness: Arrangements should be general cleanliness. Public places, parks, and streets must be cleaned.
  • Provision of funds: Proper funds and staff should be provided to the institutions which control pollution.


It is the duty of every citizen to take steps to reduce pollution. It can be controlled with joint efforts of government and people.

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