Some points to become Pakistan a Strong Nation
In the modern world the word goes to him, who is the fittest and the most tactful. For our survival as an independent nation, it is essential to build it on lines. Progress in science and technology is also necessary. We cannot do without it.
New incentives should be given to the farmers. They play the key role in the economy of our country. There are many defects in our system of education. It is examination-ridden. The need for technical education is very great.
In order to make Pakistan a strong nation we should strictly adhere to the principles of Islam. Islam is a source of strength and unity. Defense is yet another field which demands our full attention. Our forces should be trained on modern lines. A well-equipped Defense should not only our motto; it should be our basic life.
Today, the whole nation stands united and has reposed its confidence in the hands of people's government. We have to see whether the new government upholds this confidence in the spirit of a mission.
How can Pakistan become a Strong Nation?
1 min read