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Achievements of Aligarh Movement - Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Role

Achievements of Aligarh movement, discuss the political aspects of of Aligarh movement, role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the movement.
2 min read

Discuss the Political Aspects of the Aligarh Movement

The war of independence of 1857 ended Muslim rule in South Asia. The British had taken over the leadership of the sub-continent. They blamed Muslims for the outbreak of the war of independence. Thus, Muslims became their victims and were denied their religious, social, political, and economic rights. In these circumstances, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan came forward to rescue Muslims. He started a movement, which is commonly known as the Aligarh Movement.

Main objectives of this movement:

  • To create general awareness among the Muslims that they are no more the rulers of South Asia. They should accept this reality.
  • To create goodwill relations with the British. Sir Syed Ahmed tried to convince the British that Muslims alone were not responsible for the war of independence. The Hindus and other non-Muslims of South Asia also fought it. Now Muslims are equally loyal to them as other Indians.  
  • Sir Syed was fully convinced that unless Muslims received modern and scientific education they would remain backward. This was the reason that he established a Scientific Society in 1862.

Achievements of the Aligarh Movement:

Aligarh Movement worked to awaken the Muslims of South Asia. A number of keynote Muslim leaders like Nawab Viqar ul Muluk, Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk, Moulana Shibli Naumani, and Moulana Altaf Hussain Hali played an important role in the success of the Aligarh Movement. The following are the main features of the movement.

Social Services:

The War of Independence of 1857 brought suffering and misery for the Muslims. They were destroyed politically, socially, and economically. Whereas, the Hindus took advantage of that situation and hold important positions in the British Govt. Sir Syed wrote his famous books  "The Causes of the Indian revolt" and “The Loyal Mohammedans Of India”. Through these books, he tried to bring an understanding between the Muslims and the British. With his efforts, the ban on the employment of Muslims was relaxed. Muslim properties, which were confiscated after the war, were returned to them.

Educational Services:

Sir Syed was of the view that only modern education would help in the progress & development of Muslims. He established a Scientific Society with the purpose to translate western books into Urdu. Sir Syed also established a school in Aligarh on the model of Cambridge University London. Later, that school was raised to the level of a college named M.A.O College Aligarh.


The Aligarh Movement became the source of revival and strength for the Muslims of South Asia. It led the Muslims to reshape their future. It also provided the foundation for the Two-Nation Theory.

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